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Artistic practice, Bikubenfonden

In 2021, Hilde Ingeborg was chosen by Bikubenfonden for their program "artistic practice". Artistic practice is a series, where Bikubenfonden follows artists that they and their artistic jury find to have an especially promising artistic practice. The chosen artists get hours with an international producer, an exchange with an international artist further in their career through an interview-salon, and last but not least, Bikubenfonden makes a video-portrait aimed to give a short impression of the artist and their practice. 


Bikubenfonden worked with Hilde during the creation of her piece GRÅTT.  She was supported by producer Sigrid Aakvik, and met with Phillippe Saire. Portrait photo is by Luna Stage.


The video portrait can be seen below, and is created by Meeto Grevsen.

Hilde Ingeborg Sandvold photographed by Luna Stage.jpg
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